Hi! I'm Florian ChansonBlackoutburst
Lead Developer
A French developer specialized in JVM technologies
Currently working at Barbablanka on Web/Android projects.
About me

My name is Florian Chanson, but I'm better known online as "Blackoutburst". I'm a passionate developer that love to works with Kotlin and create various projects.
I started learning programming back in 2012 to create Minecraft mods. Later on in 2015 I started creating my first standalone game project using OpenGL.
Few years later I started working on Android project and created a few small games and released one on the Google Play Store as a test in 2020.
I went to a programming school in wich I was not really enjoying myself, after 3 years I got hired by Barbablanka as a Full stack developer and got promoted to Lead developer soon after.

Discord bot tracking Hypixel Hole in the Wall players data

Minecraft plugin re creating the famous Flash game Age of War

Game of Pong full of effect, following the rhythme of a song

Retro like small shooter game available on Android

Minecraft plugin re creating the famous game Quake

Small 2D map editor